Download Alexa app for Android
If you want to download Alexa app on your smartphone device. Then, you will need to perform simple and easy steps to do that. We have mentioned this simple series of steps below. You can follow this series of steps and download the Alexa app on any of your devices on which you want to download it. So, just look at the steps mentioned below.
You need to take a smartphone in your hands.
After that, you will need to go to the app store from your smartphone device.
- When you see the home screen of your app store. Then, you will have to go to its search bar.
- After that, you will need to type in Amazon Alexa there.
- When you click on the ok button on your smartphone screen.
- Then, you will see all the available application results related to your Alexa app.
- Now click on the official Alexa app logo and click on the " Install" button available below it.
- Your Alexa app will now start to download on your smartphone device.
- Hence, the Alexa app is downloaded on your smartphone device. Now, you can enter the username and password of your Amazon Account to log in to your Alexa app to use it